Plastic Fragments
Plastic Fragments
The most damaging things found on the beach are not the things you can see with your naked eyes like plastic bottles and aluminium cans, but the tiny plastic fragments mixed into the sand and ocean floors. Many of these colourful plastic fragments were originally parts of larger plastic products. But over time, they are buffeted continuously by the sun, wind and waves and are slowly broken down into smaller plastic fragments of all different sizes. However, not only do these plastic fragments not decompose, they also retain the original chemical properties of the plastic materials, which over time may slowly release harmful substances into the environment. These miniscule plastic fragments are often mixed into all corners of the coast and are incredibly difficult to pick up, and even more challenging to effectively retrieve. If action isn’t taken soon, they will simply continue fragmenting into increasingly smaller pieces and mix into the environment. After enough time, we’ll eventually lose our opportunity to salvage the pieces entirely.
AreaEnveloping many of the coasts surrounding Taiwan
Frequency Rate