Plastic Pellet
Plastic Pellet
These transparent plastic particles often appear all along the seaside. Although these tiny particles may appear harmless, they are actually the raw plastic pellets used in factories to create plastic products, and worse still, they have been scattered across all bodies of water! Also, due to its stable chemical properties, plastic materials have an exceptionally long lifespan, so once they enter the natural environment, be it accidental or otherwise, they will stick around and perpetually release toxic substances into its surroundings. These pellets are melted to form all sorts of plastic products, and they come in countless different material compounds, shapes, sizes and colours. Some are so small you’d need to pull out a microscope to see them! The best, and only effective method to combat these “guerilla” plastics scattered the world over is to gradually reduce the use of plastic products until there is no longer any demand. If society’s demand for plastic products can be reduced, so too would the required production of plastic materials!
AreaEnveloping many of the coasts surrounding Taiwan
Frequency Rate