Commonly seen in ICC
Float From China
Chinese buoy
Similar looking buoys can be found just about everywhere in Taiwan, most of which originated from fisheries in ZheJiang province in China. These buoys usually travel through the seas between Taiwan and China completely intact. It appears the “guaranteed durability” stamped onto the buoys is no joke! These floating buoys are made of PVC materials using the blow molding manufacturing process. In addition to the plasticizer from the PVC itself, foreign studies have found that various other pollutants are further released into the ocean as the material grinds away upon the aggregates out at sea. While different coloured floats contained different pollutants, they all cause toxic heavy metals to be released into the sea and slowly assimilate into the food chain, which in the long run will undoubtedly affect humanity’s health and safety.
TypeFishing Supplies
AreaEnveloping many of the coasts surrounding Taiwan
Frequency Rate